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Profi Gel
Functional blends based on hydrocolloids
Blends of hydrocolloids Profi Gel have a high water-binding capacity which allows to use it to increase yield and reduce the cost of the final product.
These blends are created with consideration of synergistic interactions between components that allow to reduce moisture separation during storage, give the elasticity, save biting of products also after the secondary heat treatment.
Profi Gum
Functional blends based on gums
Profi Gum are blends of thickeners and stabilizers to form the product structure due to the water-binding and gel-forming capacities.
Blends Profi Gum are used to increase yield, reduce moisture separation during storage, reduce losses after defrosting and also regulate the consistency of sausages.

Profi Mix
For the optimization
of technological processes
Profi Mix are complex blends of functional ingredients that allow to solve different technological tasks, optimize production processes, eliminate the defects.
Blends Profi Mix help to reduce moisture separation during storage, eliminate hematomas in poultry products, replace ingredients with E-code, decrease the weight losses of half-finished products after heat treatment, obtain a relief structure of minced meat, speed up the drying phase of fermented sausages.
Profi Fish
For fish ans seafood
Profi Fish are maturation intensifiers, mixtures for injection and spicy salting of fish, and also their complexes with flavoring ingredients.
Unique Profi Fish functional blends can significantly improve the quality of fish and seafood even if use low quality raw materials.

Profi Milk
For dairy products
Assortment Profi Milk blends includes professional stabilization systems for sour milk products, different types of cheeses, condensed milk, curd products, milkshakes, desserts and ice cream.
Profi Milk correct the mechanical properties of the product and provide the product with the desired consistency, that allows you to adapt to any equipment and production technology.
SPICY BLENDS for half-finished products
Profi Mix Spice – range of balanced mixtures of functional and flavoring components (“all in one package”) for minced half-finished products, that can significantly facilitate and simplify the process of their production. Additives Profi Mix Spice improve the taste, juiciness, texture and consistency of products, reduce losses during heat treatment and allow to replace meat raw materials up to 50% in the recipe.